Temple SBDC offers new Business Resiliency Series

Temple SBDC is proud to partner with Black Business Accelerator (BBA) to present a Business Resiliency Workshop Series, starting June 3, 2021.

Over a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, individuals and businesses continue to navigate through uncharted waters. Small businesses and their owners have been especially hard hit, not only financially, but also by the psychological and emotional toll of the disproportionate impact of COVID, and also of racial unrest. The Business Motivation & Mobilization multi-part workshop will take business owners through emotional and cognitive exercises using personal testimonies of invited speakers, the facilitator and participants, interactive video and written case studies, and small and large group discussion that examine often understated and overlooked situations experienced by small business owners. 

Soft skills necessary to navigate unfamiliar and challenging landscapes many businesses have to navigate will be highlighted.  Workshop activities will help participants develop the tools necessary to survive and thrive as a small business, using a foundation of introspection, business and economic principles and concepts such as access to capital, anticipating supply and demand, conducting necessary personal and professional inventories, learning to pivot, examining biases in decision-making, and leveraging networks and resources.

This workshop is a unique opportunity to better yourself as a business owner, as well as better your own stress resiliency and soft skillset as a professional.

Upon Completion of this Workshop, participants will be able to:

  1. Identify barriers to crisis comprehension, articulate issues in crisis communication, and provide effective solutions.
  2. Understand the stresses of crisis situations as they relate to individual and group decision-making and create solutions that are more diverse and inclusive of the group’s perspective.
  3. Understand how to develop business protocols that encourage networking, collaboration, and building stakeholdership.
  4. Complete personal and professional inventories and assess healthy attitudes and habits to maximize the potential for optimal performance as a business owner.
  5. Determine and apply SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely) goals and effective implementation techniques to crisis management, communication, change management, and healthy attitudes and habits.

The series runs on Thursdays from 3pm to 5pm, starting June 3 and ending on July 1. Register for these sessions today.