Dear Friends of the Department of Accounting

Hello! Warm greetings from Philadelphia. As alumni, recruiters, supporters, faculty, staff and other stakeholders of the Department of Accounting at the Fox School of Business, we have so much for which we should be proud and grateful.

This year the department is focusing on three themes in our programming: Accounting is a profession with integrity, accounting is innovative, and accounting is inclusive: I see myself in accounting. The fall semester started out strong with Accounting Month in September, a month-long series of accounting professional development and recruiting events such as Winter Internship Panel, CPA Evolution and Preparing for the CPA Exam, and Future Proof Your Career with the CMA and many other events related to this year’s themes.

Our world-class faculty continuously innovate to bring to our students the skills and competencies demanded in the profession. You can find out more about the innovation in the undergraduate accounting program driven by the CPA Evolution in the newsletter.

Our MAcc program continues its strong competitive edge. A big thanks for this goes to Sheri Risler, who founded and built the program and will be retiring from Temple. Even though retiring, Sheri will continue to be a valued advisor and resource. We welcome Cory Ng as the new director of the MAcc program. Cory’s bold plans for the MAcc program include a new online, part-time program launching fall 2023, and a summer bridge program for students without an accounting degree.

Our new Master of Science in Accounting and Financial Management degree, an online part-time program designed for professionals employed in the fields of management accounting and financial management, also launches in fall 2023. AJ Kreimer is the director of this program that will appeal to individuals in these fields who seek additional knowledge and expertise leading to increased compensation, promotions and career enhancement in industry, non-profits and government.

Accounting alums, students and faculty and faculty continue to shine on all fronts. In this newsletter, you will find stories on our students, engagement with the community, innovation in our curriculum and programs, and contributions to scholarship. Take a peek at the faculty research highlighted in the Fox Knowledge Hub on ESG and bank lending.

As always, I am humbled and honored to serve as the chair of such an incredible group of faculty, delivering innovative programs for outstanding students, and (hopefully) making our alumni, recruiters, and other stakeholders very proud of Temple University, the Fox School of Business, and the Department of Accounting. Much of our success is attributable to the support we receive from our generous stakeholders.

On this note, I’d like to invite you to the department’s 2023 Accounting Achievement Awards on May 2, 2023, where we will recognize and celebrate our outstanding alumni and the accounting profession.

Wishing you the happiest of holidays and a great start to the new year!

All the best,

Betsy Gordon

Professor and Chair, Department of Accounting