10 summer prep tips for returning Fox students

For college students, summer is often a much-needed break from their busy spring semesters. 

This more calm and slower-paced time is perfect for returning Fox School students to do some light summer preparation to help make their upcoming fall semester more calm and enjoyable.  

  1. Update your contact information on TU Portal

Even though it’s summer, it’s important to stay up-to-date with all things Temple-related. If your preferred contact information changed recently and you haven’t yet updated it on TU Portal, now’s the perfect time to do so. The worst thing is to come back to campus in the fall and be out of the loop, especially regarding TUalerts and other urgent matters. 

  1. Look into the resources offered through the Fox School’s CSPD

The Fox School’s Center for Student Professional Development (CSPD) offers numerous resources to help prepare students for entry into the professional business field. This summer, students can use CSPD’s online and in-person programming to learn more about professional development, as well as book appointments online for services like resume critiques, cover letters and Linkedin reviews and mock interviews.

  1. Buy business attire 

Make future job and internship interviews easier on yourself by getting your hands on some professional attire in advance! Use the Career Center’s guide on professional and interview attire to help conceptualize your outfits. 

  1. Review your degree progress

Use the DARS tool in TU Portal to check your degree progression. This way, you can see which general and major required courses you have already taken, are scheduled to take and have yet to take. Through using this tool now over the summer, you’re able to have a general idea of where you stand academically before the school year begins again. 

  1. Check your class registration information

Although students have already registered for fall 2022 courses, it’s not too late to make changes without penalty. By checking now instead of later, you’ll be able to make any necessary changes before the frenzy of the academic year begins and get in contact with the Fox School’s advising staff before the masses. 

  1. Check required textbooks 

Look into which textbooks are required in your upcoming courses and determine your buying/renting options. This can save you time and money come the fall semester. 

  1. Gather your study abroad materials

If you’re planning to study abroad or participate in domestic exchange, collect all the materials you need now—whether clothing, passports or traveling equipment. This way, you can better focus on the excitement of traveling, rather than the stress of last-minute planning. 

  1. Look into upcoming scholarships 

Take this time to look into the eligibility requirements and application details of scholarships offered by the Fox School and even Temple University as a whole. By looking in advance, you can gain a thorough understanding of what is expected of you when applying. 

  1. Explore what’s happening in Philly in the fall

With the help of Campus Philly, you can explore fun (and often, discounted!) things to do in Philadelphia this upcoming fall. One thing to mark on your calendar and register for in advance is Campus Philly’s annual CollegeFest weekend; on September 10-11, 2022, registered students gain free access to over 25 museums and activities, SEPTA transportation and opportunities to participate in giveaways and contests. 

  1. Register for parking 

If you’re planning on bringing your car to campus, consider registering online to park in Temple’s safe and convenient garages or lots.