Her world of wonder: Meet Jackie Neckers

Finance student Jackie Neckers, Class of 2024, has experienced a world of wonder both at the Fox School of Business and while studying abroad in South Africa—far, far away from her hometown of Milford, Pa.


My most memorable class at Temple has by far been the Owl Fund (FIN 3671) with Professor Cindy Axelrod. It’s a hand-on class that gave me the opportunity to manage a portion of Temple University’s endowment and pitch stocks to add to the fund. It was definitely the hardest class I’ve taken, but by far the most rewarding.

Besides being in the Owl Fund in Fox, I’m also the president of my sorority, Phi Sigma Sigma. I love spending my time with such a strong group of women that gives back to the Philadelphia community.

Being involved in different organizations across campus is the best way to meet new people and discover new passions. Joining these organizations is what has made my experience at Temple so great!

Flying Far

When I saw the Fox School was offering a global immersion to South Africa, I knew I had to go because I don’t think I ever would’ve had the opportunity further on in my life. South Africa had it all—coastal blue water, the safari, cities—and every part of it was beautiful. The safari was something I never thought I would get to experience. We woke up at 4 a.m. to go out during sunrise to see the animals. And during the night ride, we stayed in the safari and had a traditional African meal with drumming and cultural events. We visited companies almost every day in every city we went to, some of my favorites being a blueberry farm, a winery and a luxury travel agency. I went on the trip with two of my best friends, and by the time we left, everyone there turned into my best friends. We actually just had a reunion during the last week of finals!

Traveling seems daunting at first, but there are always people where you are that will help you. I recommend fellow Owls to take advantage of opportunities abroad because it opens up a whole new perspective on the world. Once you go to one country, you’re going to want to go to another. I definitely want to take a trip to Greece next, or even Dubai.

Owl Connections

The Fox School’s Center for Student Professional Development has been helpful in setting me up for career success. Temple has an amazing alumni network that is always happy to help with any career advice. Last summer I interned at Macquarie in Philadelphia on its sustainable investing team, and I got that internship through a connection with alumni. This summer I’m continuing my experience with Macquarie, but this time in Houston, Texas, doing oil and gas sales and trading.

Interested in studying abroad?

Explore the Fox School’s global immersions. Upcoming destinations include Ghana, London and Japan.

Looking to meet students with similar interests?

Check out the Fox School Student Professional Organizations.