Societal impact of business schools

AACSB’s vision of societal impact is that business schools contribute their specialized expertise to help mitigate some of society’s most pressing economic, social, human and environmental problems. AACSB added a standard related to societal impact in the 2020 Guiding Principles and Standards for Business Accreditation. The theme of societal impact is also embedded throughout the standards, particularly in the areas of curriculum, research, and engagement.

In spring 2023, the Fox accreditation team worked with various internal stakeholders across these three areas to collect baseline information about the Fox School of Business’ societal impact efforts. Using this information, the Fox School is working to identify the focus for our societal impact efforts and develop a plan in AY 2023-24 for weaving this focus area through our curriculum, research and engagement efforts in the future.

For questions or additional information about Societal Impact Benchmarking and Planning, please contact Barbara Manaka or Laura Aboyan.