The Case Corner: Building faculty skills in writing business cases

The Fox School of Business hosted a two-part case writing workshop in association with Ivey Publishing in summer 2023. This workshop supports faculty and doctoral students in gaining insights into the nuances of effective case construction. Workshop recordings can be accessed through the following links:

Published a case recently? Join us for the next “BriefCase”

The Translational Research Center hosts casual fireside video chats with its case authors to delve into the stories behind the cases and seeks to inspire participants. If there is a case that you have published recently and would like to chat about it, please send an email to Neha Mittal.

Adopting a Business Case in your Class?

Here is a direct link to all Temple/Ivey cases. Fox faculty adopting an Ivey case study published by a Fox faculty can use the case for free in your class. To get your downloadable copy, just email Huma Shareef ( ) at Ivey Publishing with the name of the case and your Fox course name/number.

For questions, suggestions, and other ideas on case-related work, contact Neha Mittal.