Professor Subodha Kumar Named President-Elect of POMS

Subodha Kumar, Paul R. Anderson Distinguished Chair Professor of Statistics, Operations and Data Science at the Fox School, has been elected as the president-elect of the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS). This achievement highlights Kumar’s longstanding dedication to production and operations management and leadership capabilities.

“When it was announced that I’d be president-elect, I was humbled and honored,” shares Kumar. “I have a long association with both the society and the flagship journal, so it means a lot to me to now serve in the highest role.”

Kumar’s election as president-elect comes after nearly two decades of involvement with POMS and its flagship journal. Over the years, Kumar has held various positions, including deputy editor for the journal, and vice president, associate executive director and conference chair for the society. His term as president-elect will be one year, followed by a year as president, and three years on the board as past-president.

“This would not have been possible without support from Temple’s leadership team and my colleagues who have played a very important role in me serving in this role.”

“Working very closely with the society and the journal, I have seen how important the role of president is,” says Kumar. “When I see the list of the past presidents at forums, knowing they’re all leaders in the field, and see my name with theirs, it’s a great experience knowing they felt I could have this role.”

As president-elect of POMS, Kumar seeks to uphold the mission of the society and journal through various initiatives, including fostering relationships through increased international outreach and marketing initiatives to reach academic and practitioner communities. Kumar also shares he has plans to develop workshops for potential journal authors from underrepresented groups, and possible opportunities for collaboration with universities like Temple.

Reflecting on his new role, Kumar is grateful for those who’ve supported his POMS journey.

“This would not have been possible without support from Temple’s leadership team and my colleagues who have played a very important role in me serving in this role,” he says. “I’ve been with Temple for almost seven years, and my role with the society has only strengthened because of their support.”