Building Supply Chain Leaders: Estée Lauder Scholars Hit Temple’s Campus

While most of his peers are still asleep, Justin Rosa is already on the move.

The Bucks County Community College student arrives in the early morning hours at The Estée Lauder Companies’ facility in Trevose, PA, where he steps into the role of an area manager intern. But Rosa’s day does not end there. Between managing his classes at the community college and his duties as a student-athlete, he navigates a demanding schedule with determination.

Rosa is one of seven The Estée Lauder Companies’ Supply Chain Scholars and will be heading to Temple University’s Fox School of Business after his graduation from the community college in May.

Students like Rosa go through a rigorous selection process in order to gain entry into the collaborative partnership between The Estée Lauder Companies, the Fox School and Bucks. The Supply Chain Scholars program aims to build a “high school to supervisor” pipeline that grows supply chain leaders in the Bucks County, PA area.

“The tuition reimbursement from The Estée Lauder Companies has helped take the burden off of worrying about paying for school. Now, I can just think about Estée and my future.”

The scholars receive experiential learning opportunities at The Estée Lauder Companies’ facilities, and in return, the company will pay for their tuition at Bucks County Community College and Temple University—a reality Rosa had never imagined would become his own.

Reflecting on his journey, he acknowledges the program’s role in shaping his career path.

“A lot of junior college students don’t know where we’re transferring to or what career path we want to choose, so this opportunity really helped me focus on supply chain,” says Rosa, who will be attending Temple in the fall. “The tuition reimbursement from The Estée Lauder Companies has helped take the burden off of worrying about paying for school. Now, I can just think about Estée and my future.”

Chiyanne Wilson-Bulik is a current Fox School student who came to Temple through the supply chain management partnership program. She says the program offered her an opportunity to delve deeper into a field she was interested in and challenge herself professionally while pursuing her degree.

Working as an area manager intern for The Estée Lauder Companies on third shift, she was propelled into a world of responsibility. By simply showing up as her “best self”—vocal and ready to learn—she says she thrives in her work environment.

“It’s a really unique experience to be tasked with so much responsibility,” says Wilson-Bulik, who expects to graduate in 2025. “But I love how much responsibility I’ve been given by Estée Lauder, and I love the fact that I’ve been able to effectively perform the role of an area manager as an intern.”

Wilson-Bulik also credits the program for providing invaluable hands-on training and fostering her professional development.

“My experience has been a lot of learning, a lot of growth and a lot of networking,” says Wilson-Bulik. “Showing up and giving it your all is going to take you far. People will give you the keys and tools you need, and you really just have to show up and listen.”

Claudia Bereshnyi, associate director of undergraduate and honors programs at Fox, attests to the students’ determination throughout the selection process and beyond. Having served on the selection panel, she witnessed their hard work and dedication first-hand.

“When you’re in such a fast-paced environment you have to be willing to troubleshoot and get along with whomever,” she says. “They’re all exceeding at that—and it came through in their interviews.

“They aren’t afraid of hard work. That’s what made me know that they wouldn’t only do well at The Estée Lauder Companies, but they’d do really well at Temple.”

According to Bereshnyi, the students are excelling academically and professionally due to the collaborative program which provides a smooth transition of course credits from Bucks to Temple and allows students to continue their pursuit of a bachelor’s degree.

She expresses pride in their accomplishments: “Not only are they doing amazing at their classes, but they’re doing amazing at their jobs. We’re so proud of how well they’re all doing.”