How to make the most of your LinkedIn profile

LinkedIn is one of the most powerful tools students have at their disposal today. It’s the perfect place to look for jobs, make connections and share your accomplishments.

Making your first post can be daunting but with help from the Fox School’s Center for Student Professional Development (CSPD), the process is easy! Here is a guide to posting to LinkedIn.

Why should you post?

Posting to LinkedIn makes you more visible to employers and cohorts. You can share things about yourself that a resume or cover letter won’t show off. Your LinkedIn profile is a living document of your past, present and future goals. Talk about your experiences and grow your professional relationships all in the same place!

What should you post?

You can post (almost) anything you want! LinkedIn is the perfect place to announce your new leadership position in your SPO, your acceptance of a new job or any events that you recently checked out. All experience is good experience, so make sure you talk about it!

Dos and Don’ts of posting to LinkedIn

DO: Make a custom URL

Making a custom URL is one of the most important parts of making a profile. It increases visibility from a search engine and makes it easier for employers to find you. Customizing your URL also makes it so your LinkedIn pops up before any other social media you might have attached to your name.

DON’T: Treat it like other social media

LinkedIn is not the place for you to show off photos from your night out or to share that weird thought you had at 3 a.m. Keep in mind who is looking at your posts and what you want them to think about you. LinkedIn is a great networking tool for building your professional brand.

DO: Use it to make connections

When making connections with recruiters or alumni, you should create a custom message to go along with it. Take a second to introduce yourself, explain your reason for connecting and finish off with a call to action. For a more thorough guide to connection messages, check out the CSPD Canvas page.

DON’T: Leave your profile unfinished

Make sure to fill out as much as you can on your profile including your “about me” section and updated work experience. You want your profile to show off the most accurate representation of you and your skill set. An unfinished profile leads to an unfinished personal brand.

Need more help building your profile?

Check out the CSPD Recource Library! Or watch CSPD’s YouTube video “Optimizing your LinkedIn profile”