Meet Joydeep Srivastava, the chair of the marketing department. With a vibrant career and dynamic personality, Srivastava brings a fresh perspective and innovative strategy to Fox marketing classrooms.
To become better acquainted, he recently sat down with us to talk about his life outside the classroom.
What brought you to the city of Philadelphia?
I grew up in Kolkata, India. I got my undergraduate degree in geology and geosciences in India, and then came to the University of Arizona as a graduate student. I moved over from geosciences to marketing. I was there for about five years. My first job was at the University of California at Berkeley as an assistant professor. Then I moved to University of Maryland College Park in 2002. In 2017, I moved to Temple, so that’s what brings me to Philadelphia.
Do you have any pets?

You know what, it’s funny. I didn’t have a pet growing up, so in 2019 we got a dog. His name is Thor and he’s a mix of English lab and a Siberian Husky. Since then, boy, I’m telling you, he just creeps into your heart. And now you know, I can’t do without him.
Dogs are my favorite animal now. If you’d asked me before 2019, I would have said I would have gone for something majestic like a cheetah or a leopard. Since Thor, it’s dogs.
What do you do for fun?
You know, the usual stuff that everyone does like binge-watching Netflix. I love playing racquetball. That’s the way to stay fit! And I love to play golf.
Are there any shows you recommend?
I’m not currently watching anything, but I really like “Suits.” It came back on Netflix, so I had to watch the entire thing again. I love the back and forth and the way lawyers are talking and getting out of these hard situations. It’s pretty neat.
Do you have any go-to food spots on campus?
I’ve been to Honey Grow. It was started by a Temple alum, so that’s attractive. I’ve been to Maxi’s for happy hour after work with some colleagues. Otherwise, I haven’t tried too many places on campus.
Favorite food spots in Philly?
There’s a few, but I like El Vez a lot.
Go-to Saxby’s order?
You’re trapped on an island, and you can bring three non-essential items. What would those items be?
Mostly sporting things. My jump rope and a volleyball. And of course, my dog Thor!
If you could have any job other than your current job, regardless of any qualifications, what would it be?
Back in high school in India, I wanted to be an Air Force pilot, actually. However, I went for the physical test, but I didn’t pass the eye exam. So, that was that. I had to change courses right then.
What’s your favorite place you’ve traveled to?
That’s a tough one. My daughter and I did a father-daughter trip in January 2023 to Egypt. Fabulous place, I have to say. It makes you think about what humans could do 5,000 years ago. It just boggles the mind. I’m a big history buff, so it was interesting for me. Once you go there and you see something of that scale and magnitude, it really changes things.
What’s on your bucket list right now?
I’ve been wanting to go and climb Mount Kilimanjaro, so I’m hoping next year it’s going to happen. I wouldn’t consider myself “outdoorsy,” but I’ve climbed. I’ve climbed the highest peak in Germany and a couple of places in India as well. I really enjoy that.
I also want to do Machu Picchu. Maybe even trek to Cusco, which is a three or four-day hike. I only hesitate because of the things I’ve heard about hygiene on that trail. Maybe that’s more than you need to know!
Want to learn more about the Marketing major at Fox? Send Joydeep an email to set up an appointment!